This week we want to give you a behind the scenes look at a pipe reline! Pipe Relining is a system that enables sections of damaged pipe to be repaired without physically replacing them.
This process is effective as a long-term solution for many piping problems- tree roots, cracked pipes, leaking pipes and dislodged or damaged bends. We’ve put together a video to show you just how it’s done!
Check it out below!
Some of the Benefits of Pipe Relining Include:
- Little to no disruption of the ground above the damaged pipe.
- Minimal (if any) excavation required. Yard = SAVED!
- Fast to install. Most procedures are done within a day. Less time for you to take off work.
- Economical. Labour & machine costs are far less than traditional repair methods.
- It’s versatile. There are different systems designed to suit different applications. Even damaged junctions.
- It’s very strong.
- Service Today guarantee the relined section of pipe for 25 years.
If you think your home might be up for a pipe reline, don’t hesitate to give us a call on 1300 859 383 to discuss your options! We’d love to help!