Get Water Wise this Winter


Water is an extremely valuable resource that needs to be managed in the most efficient way possible. The majority of our homes were built when water was not as scarce as it is today. With growing populations in our major cities and the effects of our changing weather systems, water efficiency should be high on your to-do list. Whether you’re a homeowner, renting, buying, selling, building or renovating, you can take action to keep our water levels high and your bill low. Here are a few tips on how you can make your home water wise.

Technology First

These days appliances are a lot smarter and more efficient than they used to be, especially when it comes to washing machines and dishwashers. Taking advantage of new technology not only helps you use less water and electricity, it can also keep your water bill under control. Simply switching your top-loader washing machine for a front-loader will save you water and money without compromising on the cleanliness of your clothes. Temperature control on instantaneous gas water heaters mean that you get exactly the right temperature without having to add cold water.

Shower Smarter

Shower heads are often the first place to look when you’re trying to be water wise. An old shower head can use more than 20L of water every minute, whereas a new, efficient showerhead can give you a better quality shower while using only 9L of water every minute. When installed correctly, a good quality, water efficient showerhead can knock up to $150 off your water bill every year and give you a better shower. Most smart showerheads will have a Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards (WELS) rating, so lookout for showerheads with 3 stars and over.

Home Audit

If you’re unsure how to get water wise, give our friendly Service Today team a call. One of our plumbers would be happy to come out and give you tips on how to keep your water wastage to a minimum. Simple things like switching your toilet to half flush and swapping your outdated leaky washers can save hundreds off your water bill and give you better water flow.

When it comes to being water wise, it’s the little things that make the biggest difference.