Top Tips: How to Stay Cool in the Heat

Top Tips: How to Stay Cool in the Heat

The first few weeks of September have all Australian homeowners thinking about the hot Summer to come. It seems that every year temperatures are rising higher, but that doesn’t mean your electricity bill has to. There is no doubt that cooling your home over the hot months adds up. Cooling accounts for over 35% of a home’s electricity cost in Summer. That’s why it is no surprise that many Australian households are constantly on the lookout for ways to keep cool without breaking the bank.

How much are you spending?

Costs vary between units, brands and the size of a home but here is how much you can expect to be paying on average.

  • Full home ducted system:  $2.26 – $2.67 per hour.
  • Reverse cycle air conditioner: $0.11 – $0.75 per hour.
  • Evaporative cooler: $0.04 – $0.05 per hour.
  • Fan: $0.02-$0.03 per hour.

Try These Cooling Tips

Every dollar counts when it comes to energy bills. These are our tips to help you prepare for Summer.

Install fans

Ceiling fans can make a BIG difference (just look at the costs above!), and when it’s not too hot, it could be all you need. A licensed electrician can install ceiling fans in your home safely, whether you have purchased a fan or would like to look at the options we recommend, contact our electricians to make a booking before Summer starts. Now is the best time!

Blackout curtains

Keeping the sun out of your home, especially during the hottest part of the day can have a significant impact on how high the temperature inside gets. A small change to your window fittings can help keep your air conditioner running at a minimum for longer.

Programmable Air Conditioner

If it’s time to upgrade your system, consider one with a timer. Cool living areas in the day and bedrooms at night. A new air conditioner can be a significant investment, if you would like our advice on a system to suit your home our licensed heating and cooling technicians can help! Contact us to make a booking today!

Be Smart, Beat The Summer Rush. Service Your Air Conditioner Now

Our biggest tip for keeping your bills at bay is to make sure that your air conditioner works efficiently. Whether it is a reverse cycle air conditioner, an evaporative cooler or a ducted system, all air conditioners need servicing. Contact a licensed heating and cooling technician on 1300 859 383 and make a booking today.

Stay cool!